Monday, April 16, 2007


I could have had a beach portrait session in my yard today. Except there were winds gusting up to 50 mph...rain falling sideways...and of course we lost our power, thanks to a tree that fell on a wire, effectively keeping me prisoner all day. No lights, no tv, no computer, ugh. I didn't even have any unread books. The only mechanical thing that was working was my camera, but I couldn't go outside with it. Then a couple of bottles on the window caught my eye:

That first shot was kind of boring, so I thought about the water slowly seeping into my cellar, bottles floating in the ocean, etc. I wanted some colored water to put in the bottle, but I couldn't find any food coloring. The only colored liquid I could find was some wine. I guess that would have to do....and I could always drink it when I was done. The wine and a little bit of Photoshop to make the "ocean," and I was happy. The power came on around 3 PM, just as it was getting uncomfortably chilly in the house.

Now that my creative urge has been satisfied for today, I can get a decent night's sleep! Although it's supposed to rain and be nasty until Wednesday.........

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