Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Every once in a while I enter some pictures in an exhibit. The picture below is an exhibit at a local bookstore (Cook's Corner Bookland in Brunswick,Maine), which will be up through the month of April.

This shot was taken last July in Bar Harbor, Maine. There was a big fogbank just offshore. It never got any closer to shore than this, and the spot where I was standing was sunny!

Bar Harbor is home to Acadia National Park, one of the most-visited national parks in the country, and my most favorite place in the whole state. Here's another image at sunrise from my favorite place:

Saturday, April 21, 2007


Every year these lovely little creatures make their appearance, coming out of hibernation to eat the new grass and see how many holes they can dig. Their holes and tunnels are everywhere, for me and the cows (I live on a dairy farm) to step into.

This one has decided to make a home under my front steps, just like last year. I think that was where it hibernated. I've plugged the hole with rocks, which were immediately thrown back out onto the lawn (that one cost me a lawnmower blade). I rented my neighbor's dog, who I was told was a "great woodchuck dog." I was hoping he would catch one and preferably do his thing while I was away, or at least frighten them so badly that they'd take off for safer territory. No such luck. The dog did not live up to his reputation.

I can't tell from the closeup whether this one is a male or a female. I think it's safe to assume that, just like stray cats, they're all female and pregnant....

Thursday, April 19, 2007


What makes a house a home? Personalization; you want to make your surroundings reflect you. What you choose to hang on your wall expresses your sense of taste and style. As a photographer, I would naturally like to see photographs on your walls, especially family photographs, which provide a connection and sense of place. Beautiful images of your family can reconnect you to them, and also to the moment the photograph was taken.

Photographs can decorate bedrooms:

They can lend a spot of color to an otherwise austere dining area:

Or a lovely family portrait over the fireplace can become the focal point of the living room:

I have been scheduling many clients already for family portraits this summer. I can't wait to get started!

Monday, April 16, 2007


I could have had a beach portrait session in my yard today. Except there were winds gusting up to 50 mph...rain falling sideways...and of course we lost our power, thanks to a tree that fell on a wire, effectively keeping me prisoner all day. No lights, no tv, no computer, ugh. I didn't even have any unread books. The only mechanical thing that was working was my camera, but I couldn't go outside with it. Then a couple of bottles on the window caught my eye:

That first shot was kind of boring, so I thought about the water slowly seeping into my cellar, bottles floating in the ocean, etc. I wanted some colored water to put in the bottle, but I couldn't find any food coloring. The only colored liquid I could find was some wine. I guess that would have to do....and I could always drink it when I was done. The wine and a little bit of Photoshop to make the "ocean," and I was happy. The power came on around 3 PM, just as it was getting uncomfortably chilly in the house.

Now that my creative urge has been satisfied for today, I can get a decent night's sleep! Although it's supposed to rain and be nasty until Wednesday.........

Friday, April 13, 2007


Welcome to my blog. This is going to be an experiment for me; I hope to be able to post at least once a week, if not more often. (I have a tendency to put things off.)

As my profile says, I'm a photographer in Falmouth, Mai
ne, just outside Portland, the largest city in the state. I got my start in photography by photographing horse shows, combining my love of horses with my love of photography. I loved the horses, but my job at that time got in the way and I dropped out of photographing for other people for a bit. I did, and continue to, shoot for stock, and I have a number of images with a stock agency. It was while shooting for stock that I realized photographing people was fun - and my portrait business was born. I've been photographing people from all walks of life, and I can say that I enjoy them all. I'm especially fond of high school seniors, pre- and early-teens, and I've just discovered that whole families can be a lot of fun too. Then there are younger kids.....and babies........and we can't forget Moms and Dads......well, I guess I like them all at some point!

I would like to make my blog about personal photog
raphy as well as the photography business. I'm attracted to the little things we tend to pass by, such as the detail in a leaf or an animal's eye. I also love abstract renderings of photographs. I would like to share whatever catches my eye, and I hope to inspire others to look at their world with a more discerning eye.

To start off, I'll post my tribute to spring. It will be a while before we see this around here, but there's always hope...:

Once again, welcome to my blog. I hope you find it interesting.