Saturday, January 5, 2008


I said my snowshoes were calling. What a beautiful day to go out in the fresh air! I decided to see what I could see and marvel in the beauty of fresh new snow.

The trees were so weighted down with snow, they made a wide trail much narrower, about half its width.

Even the tiniest twigs had their own share of the snow. So far it's been a great winter, for those who like snow. Here's hoping we keep on having pretty snowstorms, and none of that ice/sleet/freezing rain.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Sigh......this is what it's going to look like around here for a while. We have a lot of snow this year, relatively speaking. (We've been spoiled by a few almost-snowless winters.) I don't know if it's entirely accurate, but I've heard that we got more snow in December than we had all last year. If that's not correct, it must be pretty close! We seem to have a storm every couple of days. In fact, there's a storm cranking up as I type this.

Snow is pretty, though, if you don't have to travel in it. By car, that is. I've got some snowshoes calling....