Saturday, November 19, 2016


It's that time of year again when we are supposed to sit back, contemplate, and give thanks for all our good fortune. I feel that I am fortunate (and grateful) to have a passion for photography; for capturing the world around me - and those who inhabit it - and saving the resulting images for posterity. In this day of the cell-phone selfie, I cringe at the thought that the most-photographed generation in history is going to have no visual record that they ever existed. Perhaps that's a bit extreme, but I'm seeing it already: no growing-up pictures of the kids; no tender, poignant pictures of the wedding couple; no family photographs on the wall. Digital media is fragile. There's no guarantee that the CD of senior pictures you received (but never printed anything from) will still be readable when you finally decide to get pictures made. Cell phones crash just like computers - what happens to the pictures on those devices?

I'm thankful that there are people just like me who value the printed image and its small contribution to our visual  history. And I hope each and every one of you has a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Monday, September 19, 2016


I can't believe that it's been exactly 2 years since I last posted. A lot has happened in those two years; I've furthered my education, invested in a new camera system, taken some trips, met new clients....

Anyway, I'm back with -


1-      “The camera never lies.” Oh, yes, it does! It may not lie in the sense that it records exactly what’s in front of it. But we all know that it’s a 2-dimensional medium, and we are many-faceted. We look different from different angles. Some angles emphasize parts we’d rather not see; other angles hide them (and make it look as if we don’t have them!). When it comes time to have your portrait made, trust your photography to an experienced professional, who knows all the angles ;)

2-      “The camera adds 10 pounds.” See #1. And BTW, it’s the pizza and donuts that add 10 pounds….

3-      “My smart phone shots are good enough.” I know it’s hard to drag a camera along, no matter how small it is. It’s one more “device” to contend with. And, yes, there have been tremendous advances in smartphone photography. However, I don’t know of any professional photographers who would be careless enough to entrust priceless family memories to the images from a smartphone. This is a case where “good enough” never is.

If you’re thinking of having a family portrait created, this is the best time of year to do it! And there really is a difference between professionals and amateurs when it comes time to record those all-important milestones. To see the difference, click here.