Today I had fun participating in the second annual
Worldwide Photo Walk, sponsored by Scott Kelby, and held in Lewiston, Maine. This is the second year that towns and cities all over the world have designated a day for photographers to roam around their towns, taking pictures and documenting anything that catches their eye. This year over 900 cities from all over the world participated. Our group made its quota of 50 photographers, and we all set out - in the rain! - to photograph Lewiston. One of the most-photographed parts of the city was the old Cowan Mill, built in 1850. Last Wednesday it was the victim of

Needless to say, this poor skeleton of a building, which had been on the National Register, was one of the most-photographed buildings on our walk.

On July 31, from 5 - 7, all the participants on the walk will be exhibiting their work at the L/A Arts Gallery 5.