Sunday, December 27, 2009
Aside from cameras and all things photographic, there are a few other things that capture my attention. One of them is the very distinctive Polish Bunzlauer pottery, which has been imported into this country since 1991, when Communism in eastern Europe started to fall apart. Since a local pottery (Maxwell's, in Portland, Maine) always has a good and varied supply, I have been collecting it for a few years now. People know it makes a good Christmas gift, and this year I was fortunate to receive this Christmas tree, lit from within by a tealight candle:

Thursday, December 24, 2009
Miss L has the right idea - wait patiently for S. Claus to arrive. Of course, there isn't much else she can do at this stage. Nevertheless, she's cute enough to get lots of presents from everybody. Have a very Merry Christmas, little one!
And I'd also like to wish a Merry Christmas to all my friends. May your holidays be all you hope they will be, and may the New Year bring lots of joy and good fortune!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
I CAN'T WAIT.......
For snow!
We all know it's coming; it may be early or late, but we're going to get it, aren't we? A lot of people think when the temperature drops and the snow flies, that we location photographers close up shop and hunker down until spring. Not so - we're out there taking photographs of all the beauty nature can throw at us. We're also taking portraits of those enthusiastic souls who have just too much fun in the snow:

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Not really - but it's time to start thinking of holiday cards again. They need to be designed and ordered so they can be sent out in a timely manner. This year, I'm offering a mini-session for the express purpose of creating images for holiday cards. This will be a short session, with about 8 -10 images to choose from. The special price of $100 includes the session and one set (24) of 4" x 5.5" flat cards with envelopes. (If you've had a session with me earlier this year, and have an image that you love from that session, you can have cards designed without the mini-session.)
There are only a limited number of slots available for the mini-sessions, so contact me as soon as possible if you'd like a session or cards designed. Just click on the link at right to Corrie Zacharias Photography for contact information.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Remember what fun it used to be to have the beach almost all to yourself, and chase seagulls to your heart's content? Miss L is discovering how much fun that can be:

And this little guy didn't care about seagulls at all (in fact there weren't any); he was bound and determined to get to the water!
I had a great time photographing each of these sessions, and I'm anticipating meeting with each of these families so they can see the rest of their images. (Pretty soon - I'm working hard to get caught up! )

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I just returned from the Professional Photographers of New England convention, held at the Radisson in Nashua, NH. It was a fun time, with over 100 photographers from all the New England states in attendance. The highlight of the convention was, of course, the print competition, and I'm tickled to announce that of my four entries, three got blue ribbons. They will automatically receive a merit towards a degree when they are sent to the National Print Competition next year. Here they are:
Friday, August 28, 2009
You would never have guessed that this was one of the hottest days of the summer! These two young ladies kept their cool throughout the session. As they get older, there will be days when a pose like this will be impossible to capture, but those stages don't last long. Sisters have a special bond.
This session was held in beautiful Ogunquit, Maine.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
They make for an irresistible combination:

I can't wait to show the rest of the images from this family session!

I can't wait to show the rest of the images from this family session!
Monday, August 3, 2009

....on an island in Maine at sunset. A nice chance to get away and enjoy the ocean (they're from upstate NY) and a change of pace.
Time to go back to school, though. One a senior, one a freshman. Good luck girls - have a great school year!

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Today I had fun participating in the second annual Worldwide Photo Walk, sponsored by Scott Kelby, and held in Lewiston, Maine. This is the second year that towns and cities all over the world have designated a day for photographers to roam around their towns, taking pictures and documenting anything that catches their eye. This year over 900 cities from all over the world participated. Our group made its quota of 50 photographers, and we all set out - in the rain! - to photograph Lewiston. One of the most-photographed parts of the city was the old Cowan Mill, built in 1850. Last Wednesday it was the victim of arson.
Needless to say, this poor skeleton of a building, which had been on the National Register, was one of the most-photographed buildings on our walk.
On July 31, from 5 - 7, all the participants on the walk will be exhibiting their work at the L/A Arts Gallery 5.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

It's out! The premiere edition of Best Ever You, the Magazine. The BestEverYou.com website was the brainchild of Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino and Debbie Hastings, and they've now expanded to a free publication. The magazine and website both cater to women - "by real women, for real women" - with articles on local celebrities and self-help features.
I am flattered that I was chosen to photograph Sharon Rose, co-anchor of the Channel 6 news, for the cover and feature. Thank you, Sharon, for being such a delightful and fun subject!
I wish Elizabeth and Debbie the best of luck in their new venture -
I am flattered that I was chosen to photograph Sharon Rose, co-anchor of the Channel 6 news, for the cover and feature. Thank you, Sharon, for being such a delightful and fun subject!
I wish Elizabeth and Debbie the best of luck in their new venture -
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Yes, it's that time of year again...Although infrared photographs can be taken at any time of year, they're more often taken in the spring and summer months (note to self: take more winter shots). These were taken within the last couple of weeks.
From Portland, looking towards South Portland and the Casco Bay bridge:

This one was taken on Mackworth Island in Falmouth, shooting up through the leaves:

The technique for creating the blue sky can be found in the book Digital Infrared Photography, by Deborah Sandidge.
From Portland, looking towards South Portland and the Casco Bay bridge:

This one was taken on Mackworth Island in Falmouth, shooting up through the leaves:

The technique for creating the blue sky can be found in the book Digital Infrared Photography, by Deborah Sandidge.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
In only a few short years, from this:
In only a few short years, from this:

Dance schools are all having recitals this time of year. What a great way for kids to stay in shape, develop poise and grace, and have a great time. Great show, Anna!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
This year I am donating two items to the Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Maine organization: a regular photo session with 11 x 14 print, and a session for corporate head shots. I hope you will consider supporting this organization, as you did last year. Check their website for ways you can help.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
...to an opening. Once again, I am honored to have been selected to exhibit in the Maine Photography Show, sponsored by the Boothbay Region Art Foundation. They chose this photograph, which was taken with a digital camera that I had converted to shoot in infrared mode only. It was one of 113 photographs chosen from among 475 entries.

This year's show will be held in the Foundation's gallery in Boothbay Harbor, 1 Townsend Avenue. The opening reception is Friday April 17, from 5 - 7 PM. The exhibit will be up until May 3. Come on out and enjoy the show! And bring your camera - there are lots of photo ops in Boothbay Harbor.

This year's show will be held in the Foundation's gallery in Boothbay Harbor, 1 Townsend Avenue. The opening reception is Friday April 17, from 5 - 7 PM. The exhibit will be up until May 3. Come on out and enjoy the show! And bring your camera - there are lots of photo ops in Boothbay Harbor.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
I've been so busy lately, I haven't had a chance to edit this picture of the barn I pass by every day. I posted an infrared shot of it here last summer. I couldn't resist taking another shot this winter, and I know spring will find me back there, taking more.

Sunday, March 15, 2009
A couple of weeks ago, we were asked if we would open our home to a sweet little creature who was looking for a family. I had been toying with the idea of getting a cat, since we have been petless for a few years now, and felt something was missing. I do not have the time for a dog right now, unfortunately. A cat seemed like the perfect compromise, since they're second on my list after dogs.
The Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland turned out to have just what I was looking for. He's friendly, loves to cuddle and purr, and has claimed his own "cat pillows." Meet Bo:
You can see more Bo images on my website.
For those looking for a companion, take a ride over to your local shelter. This spring, as happens every spring, they will have lots of kittens looking for homes. You may get lucky and find a little Bo for yourself! If dogs are more to your taste, they have plenty of those, too.
The Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland turned out to have just what I was looking for. He's friendly, loves to cuddle and purr, and has claimed his own "cat pillows." Meet Bo:

For those looking for a companion, take a ride over to your local shelter. This spring, as happens every spring, they will have lots of kittens looking for homes. You may get lucky and find a little Bo for yourself! If dogs are more to your taste, they have plenty of those, too.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Ah, yes, another snowstorm.........the only thing remarkable about it is that this time I got to take some pictures of it. We lost our power, so there was really nothing else to do. This shot was taken as the sun was trying to break through the gloom:
That's okay - spring is right around the corner. Or so they tell me. Those poor woodchucks are going to have a whole lot of digging to do to get to the surface.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
I know......it's been a LONG time since I've posted; my bad! I hope to do better - it's one of my New Year's resolutions. However, this time of year, for me, is like heading into a very long tunnel. Nothing really exciting happening, taxes have to be done (that's just like pulling teeth!), etc. Here's a shot of Portland harbor which reflects my mood at this time of year:
I like to remember those nice long days of summer, when we don't have to wear layers of clothes, and we can sit comfortably outdoors at camp, sipping soda with a buddy, just staring off into the distance...no cares........no worries......

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