Tuesday, June 19, 2007


The other day we had some thunderstorms pass through. While I don't stand outside with a tripod when lightning is striking nearby, I do like to photograph from indoors and also the aftermath of the storm. On this day, the air was still humid and steamy afterwards, which didn't bring much relief, but the fog rising up from the front pasture was kind of pretty. It's early enough in the summer that the grass is still a very intense green.

Friday, June 8, 2007


I've mentioned before that I love to photograph details. I'm fascinated by the way small objects, like this half-inch chain, can look like something really strong and imposing when viewed through a macro lens. From a normal viewing distance, the chain wouldn't have attracted any attention, but upon closer examination, the brilliance of the rusted metal and the rough texture of the chain itself were revealed.

I also appreciate details in the human form, such as a baby's beautiful eyelashes - most ladies would kill for lashes like these. Too bad they're wasted on the boys...