Saturday, April 21, 2007


Every year these lovely little creatures make their appearance, coming out of hibernation to eat the new grass and see how many holes they can dig. Their holes and tunnels are everywhere, for me and the cows (I live on a dairy farm) to step into.

This one has decided to make a home under my front steps, just like last year. I think that was where it hibernated. I've plugged the hole with rocks, which were immediately thrown back out onto the lawn (that one cost me a lawnmower blade). I rented my neighbor's dog, who I was told was a "great woodchuck dog." I was hoping he would catch one and preferably do his thing while I was away, or at least frighten them so badly that they'd take off for safer territory. No such luck. The dog did not live up to his reputation.

I can't tell from the closeup whether this one is a male or a female. I think it's safe to assume that, just like stray cats, they're all female and pregnant....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Try dynomite!