Saturday, March 26, 2011


There has long been a friendly (or maybe not-so-friendly) debate about where the whoopie pie originated. Pennsylvania lays claim to it, but so does Maine, and we all know Maine is the place where the whoopie pie got its start. The ordinary, everyday whoopie pe is a fairly substantial cake-cookie type thing, which fits on a regular dessert plate:

However, the Wicked Whoopie Pie Company decided to prove once and for all that Maine could make the world's largest whoopie pie. And they did just that, at the Maine Mall in south Portland today.

When I arrived at the mall to document the event, they already had it half-built:

All that remained was to put the top layer of cake on. There was a bit of strategic planning going on at the side of the ring:

But the crew bravely hoisted it up and walked over to the half-built pie, to slide it off the board onto the filling:

Unfortunately, the top layer was a bit too heavy, and the filling started oozing out from the sides, making cracks in the top:

The final whoopie pie, weighing in at over 1000 pounds, is not picture -perfect, but it IS the World's Largest Whoopie Pie!

And in case you're wondering about the statistics:

Way to go, Wicked Whoopies!

1 comment:

theWhoopieShack said...

I just shared your story with my facebook fans! Great article! Thank you! -Sharon, owner of The Whoopie Shack